Monday, September 23, 2019

Today is our September Sew Day at Marcie's.  I've been up since 4:30 this morning, so hope I don't fade too badly by this afternoon.

Yesterday I'd had a better night's sleep so I was less tired than I have been, a most welcome change!  Though I never did attack my desk, I did do some yardwork outside because I never want to "waste" Monday's trash pick-up day.   Autumn officially began at 3:50 a.m. Eastern today, and while we're not experiencing "traditional" Fall weather it definitely has cooled off some.

I never did make it to the movies yesterday - 
but did reward myself by sewing together some of my blue scraps,

"inspired" by this quilt that came across my FB feed:

Plan to get some sweeping/mopping done this morning.  Brownie seems to be shedding these days.  I didn't notice that in the spring/summer, but maybe he's getting ready for a new winter coat.

Just like picnics and pumpkin-carving, dog shedding is seasonal. Dogs typically lose their winter coats in the spring, when it is replaced by a shorter, lighter one for summer. In the fall, this cycle is reversed, as the summer coat is shed to make room for heavy protective fur for winter.

Possible rain in the forecast today.  While it doesn't seem to have started yet (and it's still too dark out to see the sky) there is considerable wind blowing. Brownie jumped up on the back of the couch to look out the window and see what all the noise is about!

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