Thursday, September 26, 2019

I had a good cleaning at the dentist this morning; Becky could tell that I've obviously been doing a good job brushing/flossing since virtually all of my "4"s have improved to "3"s.  However the tooth that the dentist has "been watching" (and is most likely the one that caused the issues this past summer in Colorado) isn't getting any better.  So I will be making an appointment with the endodontist to see if a root canal is indicated... sigh.  (Tom is having his troublesome tooth pulled on Tuesday because he does not want to pay the hefty price of a root canal.)  

Pulling my bad tooth is not advisable for several reasons, the main one being that then I'd only have one molar on top to "match" with the three molars on the bottom.  Dr. Johnson continues to assure me that root canals have come a long way since the days of my childhood, when all I heard were horror stories of pain.  

Melody called when I was on my drive home.  She has an appointment with Jeannie up the street this afternoon (dropping off? picking up?) and wanted to know if I'd be around so she could show me her UFO that needs a little bit of hand-quilting to finish off.  I do have a hair appointment with Shelley (whose house is between Jeannie's and here!) at 2:00 but should be home by the time she finishes up at Jeannie's.

Alex stopped in shortly after I got home, and took Brownie on a walk around the neighborhood.  I of course had walked Brownie first thing this morning, and again before I left for the dentist, but neither Alex nor I  were "rewarded" with poopage on any of those walks (though as always Bownie did water everything in sight.)

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