Saturday, March 23, 2019

Before I headed to the show yesterday I put out some food for Pokey: cantaloupe rinds, grapes, strawberry tops, and sliced cucumber.  Brownie investigated, and munched on one of the cantaloupe rinds.  After he ate a second one I brought him inside, but when I heard him go out the dog door I went out the back door and was waiting for him at the 'buffet'; I brought him back in before he could snatch up a third rind.  Not long after I heard him sneak out again, and the same thing happened.  The look on his face when he came around the corner and saw me waiting to intercept him was priceless.

Still haven't been able to reach Mom on the phone, though at least she should get flowers from me today.  No medical updates from Andy since his text saying she had moved from the hospital to rehab, though Sandy said Mom was really tired when she went to visit the other day.

My ankle did okay yesterday, though I'm still limping.  I seem to have annoyed my right Achilles tendon during Tuesday's workout.

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