Monday, April 27, 2020

Selfie from yesterday:

Watched some old movies (The Music Man, Annie Hall) during the day, and then in the evening Tom found The Fare on Netflix.  We enjoyed it, and even figured out some of it...

Never went outside yesterday, but we did set a new record for the date, 102.  Then later this week we are expected not only to break another date's heat record, but also set an all-time high for April.

 This morning I'm just waiting until 8:00 when TOCA opens so I can see about making an appointment with the knee guy.  Their hand guy did my wildly successful hand surgery four years ago. 

And I saw the foot guy (last year?) when I was having problems
 and ended up in a boot.

Guess I'm just a few months early....?

Have showered "just in case" they can squeeze me in today.  Also have not taken any meds this morning so if I do get an appointment for today the doc can get a true take on knee movement (which seems relatively pain-free) but also my pain level when I attempt to put weight on that leg.

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