Monday, January 27, 2020

Yesterday I rendezvous-ed with Perri for lunch at Las Glorias, where we shared her green chili quesadilla and my chicken chimichanga.  Delicious, as always!  Next we popped over to 35th Ave where she found the ruler she needed, and I got the yard of Stonehenge fabric I need for my landscape project.  Both of us left with just what we went in there for... and how often does that happen?  

Back at her house to 'help' with her project (sadly she's going to have to take it apart after all) I was greeted warmly by her pretty kitty Phoebe.  Brownie always sniffs me when I get back to see if I  'cheated' on him, and yesterday I did.  Phoebe was a love!

On the way home I stopped in at Target for a few things, most importantly a new memory card for my camera.  It was pricey - but it works, so now I have the use of my camera again!  

Threw out the old memory card, and today I learned that there is a tiny slide on the side that may just have locked it.  Oh well...

Pokey had pulled her towel door free from her crate (it was just taped on), and I'd been wanting to wash it anyway.  So as long at it was off yesterday that seemed like a good time to throw it into the washer.  Now it's nice and clean, though with a fair part of winter still to go it's 'likely' to need another washing.

Alex showed up to watch the snow-boarding X games and I was able to convince him <g> to stay for dinner.  Nothing exciting, just some tuna salad I made up, but he seemed happy enough with the menu, which included cantaloupe wedges and hard boiled eggs.

This morning at Anything by Hand I sewed the sleeve onto my show quilt, so now that's done.  Also helped out Cindy, who had laid out some blocks on the cutting table and thought she was two short.  I glanced at the pattern, which  called for 20 blocks in a 4x5 grid.  I looked at her blocks, and she had started a 6th row, so she actually had two extra.  She was just about to head back to her machine and sew up the two "missing" blocks, and naturally was happy I'd saved her that trouble. 

I also didn't realize she already had the sashing/borders done.

Heather did bring her 365 embroidery block top with her today:

This afternoon I printed up the three labels I'll need for the quilt show (one on the quilt to cover up my name on the back, one on the bag it will be delivered in, and one that will allow me to pick up the quilt after the show.)  Not only is the printer working (at least for the time being...) but now I'm able to print remotely without dragging my computer over there and plugging it in.

While I was at The Pig today Alex had planted the newest oleander.  Though it looks quite puny at the moment, it should fill in nicely after the spring and summer growing season.  Eventually that gap in the hedge (which occurred when a storm downdraft several years back killed some of the plants) will be all filled in and hide the block wall. 

Took Brownie back to the dog park this afternoon.  While there were only a couple of dogs in the Small section when we arrived around 2:00, soon more and more kept arriving until there was a nice crowd.  It was definitely a perfect afternoon to spend an hour there, and Brownie made lots of new friends.  I especially enjoyed watching a small bulldog push around a BIG ball, though her "Dad" had to take the ball back to the car at some point so the pooch wouldn't over-do.  Brownie's "trick" was to roll in the grass and get dirty, and once we returned home he got the bath I'd been threatening.

GREAT news from the IRS today (and how often does that happen?!)  The mail brought a letter telling us that the issue has been resolved, and now instead of "owing" them $35,000 (!) we owe nothing.  

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