Tuesday, January 21, 2020

There were 8 of us at The Pig yesterday, where it was a tad noisy because the longarm was running.  It was Cindy's last day to quilt since she needed to stop taking her pain killers in preparation for next week's surgery, so those last few quilts still in the queue will just have to wait until some time down the road.  

Happy to report that during Anything By Hand I made substantial progress on the wedding quilt binding, guesstimating that I'm about 3/4 of the way around - though I also still need to join the tails together.  Of course <g> it was fun to show off my quilt, which was appropriately admired by all.

If I don't finish up the binding this week I'll bring it along with me next Monday; 
if I do, I'll return to work hand-quilting Melody's quilt.

Heather hadn't brought along her finished 2019 project of the cute one-a-day 365 embroidered blocks, but agreed to bring it along with her next Monday.  I look forward to seeing it, and (in theory) will remember to bring my iPad for a picture.

I did get to see a couple of other happy quilts, one Halloween one (sent a couple of phone pix to Lynn, who of course loved it) and a bee one a woman was picking up.  Wish I'd brought along my iPad to take nice photos, but was "possibly" <G> a tad sleep-deprived from the night's pajama party and so forgot to do that.

I received my pink pig charm yesterday
because I'd filled up my (first of many?) 'punch' card.  Cute!

Took a brief cat nap in the afternoon before Alex helped me trouble-shoot the printer.  Then I was then able to print up two (of the three) items I needed.  Couldn't find the third one, an alphabet I down-loaded.  I thought it was in Documents, but after typing this I realize maybe it's in Downloads?(I'd like to use it for the Copper Canyon project.)

Alex and I cooked up dinner together, making up yummy burritos with the leftover roast Tom had crocked on Sunday.  After dinner I ran a large load of Alex's towels (I'd offered my laundry services for anything that could also go in the dryer) in hopes of helping his on-its-last-legs machine since we have a nice new (and large) washer.  

We started watched the docuseries on Aaron Hernandez that he'd recommended.  During the second episode I started fading, but getting ready for bed "woke me up" some, and I actually made it until about 9:30 last night.  I did go back to sleep after my middle-of-the-night bathroom trip - and then SLEPT IN!


It rained sometime during the night, possibly hard or long since there are some puddles, and there's an even higher chance of rain today.  (By the time I was getting ready to post this it actually had started to rain again.)  After the gym maybe I'll scout out the dirt around the new wall to see how it has settled in.

It's a perfect dreary day to match how I feel about having to fight with Social Security, a possible activity for this afternoon since the paperwork from Becky arrived on Saturday.  OR I might just put that off until tomorrow since it turns out that I have no quilting this particular Wednesday.

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