Thursday, January 16, 2020

Mary greeted everyone arriving - and "apologized" for making me have to sit through a Catholic mass. However the service didn't last as long as I had expected, everything was in English and not Latin, and the music was very enjoyable.  During communion, however, I cringed as I watched everyone drinking from the same cup; bad enough any time, but during flu season...?!)  

There were only 6 of us from Foothills, but the chapel was basically packed, which had to be nice for Mary.  At the luncheon afterward (it was a lovely spread) the priest ended up joining Marcie and me at our table, and during the course of our conversation we learned that his mother was Jewish!

I've had a headache since I woke up; while extra-strength Tylenol has kept it from being horrible, it has not actually made it disappear.  Still I wanted to do some work on the AQG Build-a-Quilt this afternoon (this year the pattern is Rolling Stones) so it'll be ready to donate at the show next month.

Their plan is to get more masculine quilts for boys,
so I chose some fun fabrics from my stash.

Those five focus fabrics are directional, so I started with the sixth one which isn't, and got the pieces cut out.


Loaded turquoise thread/bobbin, but forgot to move the needle and <sigh> broke it.  It seemed like a good time to take off the plates and clear out the dust bunnies - but like virtually every other time I've done that now I can't get it to sew again afterward.

Alex just called to say that he's on his way home. 
He was in Sedona, so he'll be here in time for dinner.

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