Friday, December 20, 2019

Yesterday my chiropractor concurred that I’m 'mostly in good shape'; the pain in my rhomboid was because my 4th rib is out.  It didn’t want to ‘pop’ back in via manipulation, but his massage (somewhat painful) did help considerably.  Advice below, found this morning during a 'net search of "rib out" echoes what my chiropractor has said and shown me.

Mind your posture and quit trying to stretch it. Typically, ribs go out because of a forward head and shoulder posture. So, why do we always try and stretch that same way to get it to feel better? Likewise, stretching spasming muscles does not really work. It drives me crazy when I adjust a rib and the first things my patient does is check to see if stretching forward still hurts. That is like separating a wound to see if it has healed yet. If you keep doing it, it will never heal. Instead, look straight ahead and pull your shoulder blades down and back.

Alex was here when I got home, and he drove with me to In and Out
to pick up burgers for the 3 of us for lunch.

Despite it being well past the lunch hour (bumping 1:00) the line at the drive-thru was longer than I’d ever seen it so we had plenty of time to chat and catch up some.

After lunch I took Brownie for a walk, and he left his deposit outside the same house at the exact same spot he seems to be drawn to.

I bagged up his pile (and since there is no 'evidence' of other dogs choosing that spot maybe other people do also?) but obviously that spot emits the "right" scent.

Back home I watched a 2019 Liam Neeson movie (Cold Pursuit) and then napped in the late afternoon until dinner, when Alex once again joined us.  In the evening I watched the Democratic Debate (which I'd recorded since Tom did not want it on during dinner.)  Despite my nap I was tired all evening and didn't read in bed long before turning out my light.

Up around 5 this morning, and then started off my day with a hurtful e-mail that questioned my motives and labeled me selfish.  Of course that was never my intent; I'd only wanted to help another friend through what is bound to be a difficult time!  (Note: and SHE seemed fine with my offer!)

Still plenty of time to do some work on the wedding quilt before heading to the gym.

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