Tuesday, July 23, 2019

On my usual morning schedule, I used the bathroom, had "coffee" up in my room, and then took Brownie out back for his chance to pee.  It amazes me that he just stands there on the patio; my bladder would be bursting.

All of a sudden he took off for the path by the gate, heading to the top of the rock wall.  And then we heard the screams!  It was a god-awful sound, and Terry came racing out.  (I, of course, was barefoot so she made it up there before I did.)  She knew what that sound was, though I didn't: a fawn calling for mom.   It was stuck in the fence, and of course panicked by Brownie's appearance.  

Terry picked up Brownie, swore (hadn't heard that from her before), and tossed him unceremoniously in my direction.  She freed the fawn, and of course Mama had come running at the sound of her baby's cries.  The two of them bounded off with a couple of other deer, so the fawn didn't seem to be hurt. 

Drying Brownie (didn't want him adding to his disgrace by tracking mud across the floor) I discovered that one of his rear paws was bleeding a tad.  But since he didn't yelp, or even flinch, when I was toweling him off, it can't be much of a cut.

And so starts another day at Valley View!

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