Wednesday, September 16, 2020

 The day(s) after irrigation are usually weeding days, and today was no different.  By 8:30 I was done - not as in "everything has been pulled" (I  WISH!) but rather "I've worked long enough." 

At least another large swath has been cleared of dandelions and lantana, which means that now there's room for the dichondra 'grass' to fill in those areas.  

Dichondra is a low growing perennial ground cover that forms a lush, dense carpet. It performs best in warm, mild climates like Southern California and Arizona.  Dichondra is bright green in color, with round to kidney shaped leaves.

With less water this cycle, meaning it will dry out that much faster, plus the fact that I'm seeing the chiropractor later today, I don't plan to do any more weeding until the next cycle.

After a shower I weighed myself (even though I'd already had my coffee ) 

and I'm actually down below 120!  

Admittedly just a skinch - 

but I am loving the direction my numbers are heading.

It definitely gives me incentive to keep to my low(er!) sugar diet.

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