Friday, December 21, 2018

Made a trip over to the copy shop yesterday morning to have Echo's photo done in b/w (I need value, not color, for next month's class) though even with a number of tries, on different settings, we still didn't get exactly what I need.  However I'm pretty sure that using a combination of them (when tracing onto the vellum) should work.  Then that pattern will be blown up - and eventually copied onto the muslin.

MANY thanks to Marcie for both the vellum and muslin, 
saving me from running all over town looking for those.  

Marcie never had gotten my 'heads up' call or text from the morning (both showed up many hours later) so it would have been faster to send them via Pokey Express. 

However when I stopped by her house on my way to run that errand she was more than willing to drop everything and go with me since TOQS is adjacent to the copy shop and she needed yardage of Michael Miller black.

(Of course I also had to stop in at the quilt store, where I bought one of the new non-slip rulers - and have to admit I found a fabric on the New shelf  I "needed" for my stash.)
Bella never did show up to clean yesterday.  There was some mix-up about dates, though at her last visit we discussed the fact that I needed her to clean the week before the holiday, not the last Thursday of the month the week after.  The floors, which I have neglected this past week "knowing" she was coming soon, are sorely in need of mopping! 

So she's going to come today (after the gym, and hopefully be finished by the time the exterminator arrives) which means my lunch with Wanda today - originally scheduled for that time slot - isn't going to happen.   But on the plus side, we'll do it tomorrow, when there's no rush to be home by 1:00 so we can eat later and include Marcie.

Mitch's progress yesterday was slowed down by not feeling well (think he overdid it on the sausage) and then having to leave for an evening job (security guard?).  But today he should get the rest of the plywood up, and then be able to attach the layer of tar paper and then the roll-out asphalt.

Now time to eat my protein and then get dressed for the gym.

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