Thursday, November 5, 2020

 Fruit - it's what's for Pokey's breakfast!

Even with my follow-up blood test behind me, 
I'm still being good, and just had naked oatmeal.

Pokey wanted me  to remind people that despite her moniker, 
she's really quite speedy... unlike this guy from yesterday's calendar page.

In the home stretch of the quilt, and since there didn't seem to be anything happening on the election front I decided to watch a movie while I worked.  Maybe when the movie ended the count would have changed?  

But that didn't happen.

Last night during dinner (Alex made Tom Yum Gai soup) "breaking news" kept saying that they expected final results from two states "within the hour", but even now, as of 3:00 the following afternoon, there still has been no change.

I did think about taking Brownie to the dog park today ~
though that never quite happened either.

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