Sunday, November 8, 2020

I had dressed warmly for the falling temps this afternoon and had just collected Vera, getting ready to head to the dog park, when it started to rain.  As it turned out it wasn't much more than a sprinkle, and didn't last long.  But it did put the kibosh on the planned trip to the park.

Pokey, decidedly unhappy with today's falling temps, came up on the porch looking for her crate - which I regret to say was still in the garage.  So she camped out by the back door until Alex got home after dinner and set it up.  

But it turned out that the heat bulb wasn't working (likely jostled during relocation) so she's having to make do with just a regular light bulb until I can get a new heat lamp tomorrow.  

I do feel badly that I hadn't thought ahead and already gotten her all set up for winter.

Pokey's also grown since last year; she could barely squeeze through the opening.

Good thing I texted Alex this evening to see if Brownie was watching football over there.  Alex called me back, worried, because he hadn't taken Brownie with him when he and Vera left (thought that's very often the case.)  A quick search of the house confirmed that Brownie was not here, so I guessed he'd gone into the garage with Alex to get the crate, and gotten left behind in there.  Sure enough, that's where he was.  (Shades of his "cousin" Stubby's recent adventure.)  

Good thing I contacted Alex, or Brownie would have spent a cold night out in the garage; sometimes I've already gone to bed by the time Brownie is delivered home because the pooches are having such a good time together.

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