Thursday, May 2, 2019

It was a little slow going to the airport, but I'd allowed extra time so it was no biggie.  There was virtually no line at curbside baggage check - and literally NO line at Security!  I was able to walk right up to the person checking tickets/IDs.  WHEN does that ever happen?!?

However our flight ended up departing about half an hour late because there was a "broken knob" 
in the cockpit that needed to be replaced.

By the time I left the car rental place it was close to 4:00, and a storm was moving in.  It got really dark, and the skies opened.  Even with the wipers going full tilt it was hard to see - but at least this year I didn't get lost.  Between rush hour and the deluge traffic on the highway was crawling, and at times came to a complete standstill.  However by the time I arrived at Mink Hollow the weather had cleared considerably.  

Pleasant dinner and evening with Andy & Sandy (she won both games of Rummikub.)  At my suggestion we watched Jeopardy (they hadn't seen any of James' games.)  

I'm pretty tired, though it's looking good for me to make it to 10:00 before I crash.  I realize that at home that would only be 7:00, but I'm getting myself on MD time.... <g>

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