Wednesday, March 3, 2021

 I'm happy to report that (except for a slightly sore arm) 

all is well this morning!

So I will be able to keep today's MRI appointment.  

Sun Radiology actually called yesterday, shortly after 5:00, as we were almost back home from getting our shots.  The caller apparently needed some insurance info, but it was difficult to hear her via the car speaker.  When I told her I was in the car (and would be home in about five minutes) she asked me to call her back then. 

 Which I did - or at least attempted to do.  I tried a few different options from the main menu offering, including Billing (and also 'Everything Else') but no department ever answered - and at least one played a message that the offices were closed. 

Noting the time, I had wondered about that when she called.  

Obviously I should have asked her to call me back.  

I had already planned to arrive early today to fill out the ubiquitous paperwork, when hopefully there will be no snafus.

I still have plenty of time to get some sewing done 
before we need to head out.  

Unfortunately I'm just about done finding 'new" fabrics in the the current box of scraps.  (FYI My tub is much larger than this one!)

While there are several more boxes/tubs of still unsorted-by-color scraps living in the closet, dragging one down the hall from the spare bedroom would be too noisy for Tom at this "early" hour.

Still, I will limp along (pun intended) the best I can!

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