Saturday, March 20, 2021

 I did not appreciate waking up at 3:45 this morning, and when I was still awake half an hour later <SIGH> I took something to help.  The little magic pill definitely worked, and then I actually slept in.

  At least I woke in plenty of time to greet Mary for her planned 9:30-ish arrival.  I knew she'd be bringing along Brett & Kathy's two pooches; she's dog-sitting while they're in Texas, meeting Max's future in-laws.  

Ellie is a sweetie, and here was on her way over to say HI to me.

As expected, the pooches did just fine hanging out and playing together.  
But it was so much easier to get a good picture when posing on a lap!

Unfortunately Smeagol (also a sweetie) was very excited to check out the buffet Pokey had prepared.  

I am beyond grateful that it doesn't appeal to Brownie!

For Mary's car's sake Smeagol got a basic hosing down before it was time to leave, though obviously he (and his harness and bow tie) will need a more thorough cleansing - with soap! - once Mary gets him home.

Who, me?

Now that it's warming up nicely it shouldn't be terribly long before Pokey once again opts to sleep under her bush.  At that point her crate can get its final scrubbing of the season and then be returned to the garage until again next fall.  Once the crate is gone, the porch (looking extremely gross in front of the entrance) will also get a very heavy-duty scrubbing.  

This winter it's worse than usual out there because my foot issues have prevented me from giving the crate and porch the attention they "deserve".

The pooches were quarantined outside for just a few minutes while Mary and I popped inside; I wanted to show her the Mom goodies that had recently arrived.  Poor babies were somewhat confused (and decidedly unhappy) about at being left behind for those few minutes. Though only Smeagol needed to be out there we thought it would be easier on him if he had the other two for company.

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