Thursday, November 28, 2019

No rain yet this morning, though I expect the predicted downpour to arrive within a few hours.  I plan to get wet before that, taking soak in the hot tub once I get the turkey into the oven.

Speaking of the hot tub, there "may" have been drinking involved last night when Alex and friends took a post-snowboarding soak.  He posted a clip on Instagram of one of them jumping off the diving board into the pool - though there was no footage of her reaction once she surfaced from that cold water.  No doubt it was quite a shock to her system after the 101 degree water of the hot tub!

After my soak there will be plenty of time 
to peel and dice the potatoes for Tom's mashers.  

That reminds me a story Bev once told me about when she and John were first married and she asked him to wash the potatoes - and found him using soap!

I had hoped to watch the Macy's parade in real time this morning, but couldn't find it anywhere on the TV guide, so will have to wait until it airs here at 9:00.  In the meantime I have the Weather Channel running in the background; so much crappy weather around the country!  Now that it's light out I can see the very gray sky here.  Currently the temp is only in the 50s though should soar into the mid-60s later.

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