Thursday, November 21, 2019

It's raining less here at the house, but west of here (where the chiropractor is) it's totally socked in and the rain is coming down quite hard.  I'd left home early, expecting traffic issues, and so arrived about half an hour early.  But he took me right away, so by the time of my actual appointment I was already on the road heading back home.

Latest <g> technology incident....

When I stopped at Walmart on the way home to pick up my Rx there was a welcome lull in the rain.  So instead of going through the drive-through I parked and went in because I need more eggs for the three upcoming events that I'll be deviling eggs for.  Also grabbed a bag of russets for next Thursday's mashers, and a bag of cranberries (also for Thursday), and with just three items I assumed <G> that it would be fast to use the self-checkout.

Scanning the bag of potatoes gave me an error message (one I've never seen before), which meant I had to wait for help from the attendant. Then when I tried to scan the bag of cranberries next it turned out that the UPC code on the bag was missing.  

Of course that meant she had to send someone over to Produce 
for a replacement bag.

I had also planned to get cash, but discovered that's not an option when you pay with a credit card.  (I've stopped using my debit card most of the time, worried about hacks getting access to my bank account.)

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