Wanda stopped by to drop off some beautiful Thanksgiving flowers.
I took a picture, but "for some reason" my laptop won't open the camera memory card tonight.
We also had trouble with the TV today. "For some reason" it switched from HDMI1 to HDMI2, and the Source Menu would not let us switch back. When Tom and I had both tried everything we could think of we gave up and called COX - and I had to speak with 3 different tech folks before we got it figured out.
I took a break from sewing this afternoon to clean and refill the hummingbird feeders, so now they're all ready for the incoming weather (which was the big story on the news tonight.) No rain here yet this evening, though it has gotten fairly chilly. Holiday travel this time of year is crazy anyway, but the storms nation-wide certainly are making the situation worse everywhere. I'm SO glad not to be traveling anywhere!
Flagstaff is expecting serious snow tomorrow, possibly as much as 2 feet. Alex had a good time up there today with friends (he's currently soaking in the hot tub with some of them) and plans to head back up to Snowbowl on Friday after the storm dumps a bunch more of the white stuff.
I spent much of today sewing, and if anyone is keeping track <g>
my set of D blocks now numbers 32.
Still need to devil the eggs this evening
but otherwise am in pretty good shape for tomorrow.
