I brought three tops to Busy Bees yesterday for Show & Tell:
blocks from the 2004 VOS retreat that Denise was planning to turn into a quilt;
my (first) Jellyroll Sizzle, slated for charity;
and the fun baby quilt from Gloria's six blocks, also slated for charity.
I had luck passing along a couple of Mom's projects.
(I still have a LOT - of course!)
Betsy 'adopted' Mom's needlepoint quail pillow:
Laura will be rehoming this petit-point Greek ocean scene to her brother.
Mary was missed (she's bummed that her doc visits all seem to be scheduled for Wednesdays) and the ladies all sent their best wishes for her upcoming surgery - along with her stack of ice cream blocks, which I'll deliver to her this weekend.
In the afternoon I pulled weeds out front, where less than 24 hours after irrigation the ground had dried out considerably. When I got tired of fighting with them I switched to the jungle out back, expecting the ground there to have remained more saturated - but it was drier than expected, which 'proves' how toasty it's been.
This morning I did more work in the jungle, with Brownie's 'help'. He did, however, fail to alert me to the presence of our pool person; I was surprised to look up and see Paula had 'snuck in' and was cleaning the shallow end of the pool.
Carol arrived around 8:30.
I emptied the targeted cabinet and we got started organizing the contents.
I've started a pile of fabrics to donate, which includes a virtually finished quilt top.
After more cabinets get cleaned out that pile should grow.
We made piles of sorted and labeled fabrics.
It was funny when this very appropriate routine about 'stuff', by George Carlin, showed up on my FB feed today. He nails it -
I enjoy Words With Friends, and naturally am happy whenever I'm able to play high-scoring words. But today I outdid myself, with a Personal Best of 102 points!
Alex stopped by around lunch time for his daily check of the dove nest, which is when he discovered that both eggs have hatched! (The new'borns' definitely have not reached the cute stage... <g>)

In other bird news, Alex moved the quail cage from his house to the shade just outside our fence for easier quail-sitting while he's gone to EDC in Vegas. As a bonus <g> the new location will allow Brownie to keep a constant eye on it.
Latest message from Tom:
Cold, windy, and snow showers here. I'm in a hotel for tonight. Better and warmer tomorrow.
Today's PT appointment (#83, for anyone keeping track) turned out to be my LAST! Kevin said that with my progress they can "no longer justify" charging Medicare. Now it's just a matter of continuing to strengthen my calf, and I will be responsible for doing the exercises on my own at home.
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