Thursday, January 20, 2022

 Our pool guys showed up unexpectedly yesterday; seems we've been switched from Friday to Wednesday.  Good thing I wasn't in the hot tub!  Did need a new O-ring for the leaf catcher, so that was another errand I added to yesterday's list. 


Also picked up another 2 yards of backing for the quilt, which is coming along nicely.  I'm thinking one more row will not be enough, but at least now I'm more than half-way to (a probable) five rows.

TRIED to call the Verizon store to see about getting the iPhone mini 13 that they had in stock, but my call wouldn't go through unless I gave them our acct number.  Tom has that paperwork (which I couldn't find) and his phone was dead; he forgot to bring his charger to Quartzsite with him.

I'd soaked the lentils overnight Tuesday before crocking them on low all of yesterday (about 12 hours) but they still weren't that soft by dinner.  Strange!  Started the bread a little earlier than I'd originally planned because Alex said that would work better for him - and then it didn't work out for him to eat over here.

* * * * *

Today's calendar page made me smile ~

and also reminded me of this, which floated across FB recently:

I took Alex to the airport today for his early morning flight. Since we needed to leave here at 4:30 I had my alarm set for 4 am - thinking 'that would have worked well' yesterday.  But then today I woke even earlier.... before 3:00!  

Hoped I might drift off and log another hour, but that didn't happen so I just got up.


Alex drove us to the airport, but then I had to sit in the cellphone lot (with Brownie for company) for over two hours until it got light.  I alternated between playing some games on my iPad and reading some of my book.  It didn't even "think" about getting light until after 7 (learned later that sunrise was 7:30), but I was still home before Tom even woke up.  

Listening to NPR on the radio, I heard part of a segment about a Smash Room in "north Phoenix" - and looked it up when I got home.  It couldn't be any closer!

I am definitely dragging, and really wasn't looking forward to PT - but I went.  Afterward I hit the grocery store (got out of there for under $100... as in $99 and change) because I needed to pick up a bunch of stuff so I'd have something (besides take-out pizza) to feed Tami this weekend.

I still have to finish getting that bedroom ready for her, but I can do that in dribs and drabs. First I'm going to relax, and who knows?  I could end up taking a nap!

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