Saturday, June 12, 2021

Yesterday I got through to the car place on my first try, and then was able to slide right in, dropping off my car around 8:30, postponing my planned early trip to Target.

Then I did some communicating with Jim about the gym, and it looks like I'll be working out on Tuesday and Sunday mornings (though I had hoped for my pre-pandemic schedule, Tuesdays and Fridays.)  

It will be interesting to see how far I've regressed, with respect to weights and reps, in the 15 months since since the pandemic forced me to stop going.  

What is surprising is that I have actually lost weight  - and enough so that several people have commented.

The newly-scheduled gym session meant that I needed to switch Tuesday morning's chiropractor appointment to that afternoon...

but luckily there was an opening in his schedule.

After watering out back I got into the pool to walk - but I was definitely feeling the after-effects of Thursday's marathon PT session :-( and that hurt, so <sigh> my therapy didn't last long.  

I was just exiting the pool at 10:30 when I got the phone call that my car was finished and ready for pick up.  While I'm somewhat poorer, thanks to Alex's generous donations of RockStar they did give me a $40 break.

And speaking of Alex, it looks like his "helper" at the current festival is a dragon.

Yesterday afternoon I made a trip to Target, where "running" around the store was made easier by the use of a motorized cart.  (Not made easier was navigating through narrow aisles with a wide vehicle.)

 Though I did have to do some back-tracking, I ultimately found most of what was on my list.  The most crucial had been a supply of Color Catchers, and success (after help from an employee) meant one of my quilts was finally able to go into the wash when I got home.  

Good thing it'd waited for its "maiden" wash until I had color catchers (which looked even darker yesterday, when still wet.)

Late in the afternoon I ironed the white-on-white fabric, and even cut/joined the strips for the inner border.  While I had hoped <g> to get that border completed so I'd be ready for the outer border (Mary and I are making a trip to 35th Ave. later today for some fabric) I was tired - and (very!) wisely chose to quit while I was ahead!

Tomorrow I will be passing TWO quilt stores (one of which, Arizona Quilts, I really like) when I visit Linda. And while I had hoped I could shop then...

a check of their websites showed that both are closed on Sundays.

* * * * *

It was almost 6:00 when I woke this morning!

There are some things I should do before the exterminator arrives - but will have to wait until Tom gets up, and apparently he's also sleeping in this morning.

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