Happy Birthday, Andy! (This shirt I ordered for him is green.)

Monday, May 31, 2021
Sunday, May 30, 2021
This morning I cut out pieces for four additional Chain Link blocks, but since I only had enough white-on-white fabric to sew two I knew I'd have to pop over to TOQS for more.
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Decided it made sense
to assemble this block this morning since the pieces were already cut out.
Friday, May 28, 2021
I enjoyed my visit with Marcela (and Sally) today.
I'd brought along scissors and had Marcela cut my hair again, this time "forcing" her to whack off most of my ponytail. It's now at least 6 inches shorter and feels SO much better - and no, Tom has not noticed.
We lunched at Zupas (she'd never been.)
As always, everything was scrumptious.
Just as I promised, here are pix approximating what some of the Book Nerd blocks will look like when the sections get sewn together. I plan to get a number of those done over the weekend!
I Wanted Armadillos
Melodie did a WONDERFUL job job choosing fonts for the book spines! Watch for their 15 seconds of fame in a later post.
On the drive home from her house yesterday I caught the end of a segment on global warming. Pretty sure I heard correctly that in the past decade we haven't set a single new record here for any date's low temperature.
Yesterday was another successful PT session, in that Ryan is getting additional movement in my ankle. (I scored a 5 on that one pesky measurement.) And while naturally it's encouraging to see that number rise, I'm still not able to walk, which is what truly matters.
In a bit off to meet Marcela over at Sally's house.
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Melodie just texted - the last book spine embroidery is on her machine now!
And in other quilting news, one of the Foothills ladies posted this lovely poem, A Legacy of Stitches, that was read at the memorial for a quilter:
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Alex popped over last evening and caught us up on some of his past week. The music festival itself was disappointing, with very low attendance - but the guys did get to visit a couple of nice springs. At one they saw a gazillion soft-shell turtle hatchlings (fun), and they also saw alligators (maybe not quite as much fun?)
With the time change Alex was tired, and once he and Tom finished watching the Suns lose he headed back to his place to crash. Still on Florida time this morning he did get an early start to his day today, with laundry.
I was up at 3:00 am when Brownie barked; turned out Tom had gone out front to see about a noise. I fell back asleep, but when I woke again at 4:05 I decided to check out the blood moon eclipse, scheduled to begin at 4:11. It was quite a hobble, and sadly my reward was a disappointingly cloudy sky with no visible moon. Once back in bed at 4:25 I took something and slept in until 8:00!
I've settled for this red moon quilt
that floated across my FB feed this morning.
This morning Alex checked out the peach tree for me, and the fruit must be close to ripe; the birds have already started sampling some of it. While the crop is quite small this year (last year it was huge), the peaches themselves are sizeable. He brought in a couple to finish ripening inside.
I'm hoping he will be able to net the tree itself later today.
Also on his "To Do for Mom" list is to take some cases of RockStar over to Firestone as a more tangible thanks for their flat tire house-call yesterday!