Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Got a number of errands completed (my car is much happier now that it is washed, vacuumed, and filled with gas, and my wallet it happier now that there are some "green things" in it) and after lunch I started in on a long list of phone calls.  

Lily called this afternoon with a Logan update while she was on her way to a meeting about him.  Sounds like he’s doing incredibly well; all the training she took actually worked, and he’s able to deal with things like a normal teenager instead of a toddler.  It was a rough year for her, but how wonderful for her to see positive results after all of her effort.  (Of course he's worked hard also, and he's got to be a lot happier now that he has effective ways to deal with Life!)  Now she just hopes that “the powers that be” (the family court judge, who only knows what she sees on paper right before seeing them in court) will listen to the social workers and her (instead of a family member who sees Logan only a few times a year, but essentially is making waves to keep Logan from Dad) and the reunification will go forward.

I took a nap this afternoon (slept for about an hour) which is quite unusual for me - especially since I got a good night's sleep last night.  Still feel fine (after having taken a second dose) and in any event think it would be too early for the herxheimer reaction.  Maybe it's just the heat/humidity wearing on me!

Talked with Bella today. She had an opening in her schedule, so the ladies will be here tomorrow afternoon to clean house.  That gives me considerable incentive <g> to finish putting stuff away.

When I was at the chiropractor yesterday I made a follow-up appointment for a couple weeks from now.  When I went to put it on the calendar, it conflicted with my eye doctor appointment. 

 So obviously I'll need to call Stephanie tomorrow and reschedule.

In a bit I'm going to brave the outdoors and grill some fish, and also plan to try some of that neon purple cauliflower with dinner.

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