Friday, October 26, 2018

Awake past midnight last night (even though Tom, wiped out as he was, dealt with letting the water go) so I was glad I slept until almost 6:00.  Already finished one of the books I picked up at the library yesterday, Mitch Albom's newest book The Next Person You Meet in Heaven, which I enjoyed.

Irrigation was not the total success we had hoped for, 
though <sigh> there's always next time.  

It's a good thing we've gotten some rain lately, because due to the late start the front yard hardly received any water... and temps are back in the 90s.  The biggest issue with the actual system was that the box overflowed (we were surprised to find the water was up to the top when we first checked on it) so it will need another level of blocks.

On the plus side, because both neighbors with horses also had Steve pipe in their ditches, the water was incredibly clean; for a (welcome!) change there didn't seem to be any of the usual prolific amount of "recycled feed" from the horses.

No soaking this morning; don't want to tromp through the water in the backyard to get to the hot tub, and also don't want to be "surprised" by the Poolman tech when he comes to service the pool this morning. 

Never did muck the closet or drawers yesterday, so that is on my agenda after I get back from the gym.  Patti is having a yard sale tomorrow and has invited me over to keep her company, and I might even bring over a few things to actually sell.

Better check with Kathi to see what the deadline is 
for dropping stuff off at the Goodwill truck on Saturday!

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