Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Tuesday morning, one of my calls was to Bill to check if he is interested in dismantling the hot tub and gazebo - which he is.  That should happen in the next couple of weeks, so then we'll be ready to hit the ground running, with regard to installation, whenever a new hot tub is purchased. 

Tuesday afternoon I started my search for hot tub stores in the area.  One of them is quite nearby, so I popped over to 'test drive' some of their floor models.  I admit I'm rather disappointed to find that the reclining seats are still much more upright than is truly comfortable for my back. Still, Cindy was quite helpful, and gave me lots to think about.

It was a nice showroom (with a lot of penguins scattered around!)  I admired this fun mini sculpture of a soaker, reading "underwater" on some of the steps...though why he's wearing pants is a mystery.  And until Cindy then pointed out that his left foot is anatomically wrong I hadn't even noticed that. In its 'defense', it was Made in China.....

Off to the chiropractor this morning, then plan to run several errands on the way home; I need some special batting for a project for a number of upcoming birthday gifts, and a book I ordered came in at the quilt store.

I've already started piling various things in the vacated bedroom that I don't want to forget for my Maryland trip... always thinking ahead! 

This morning I got confirmation from Barbara that the dates Mom and I would like to pop up to NY during my visit (for another Bronx Beauties reunion) will also work for Suzanne and Barbara.

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