Saturday, August 7, 2021

 Sue called.  She's making up the irrigation schedule and called to see if we still want 2.5 hours of water.  YES!  While the rain was nice for the grass and some of the small plants, the trees truly need a deep soak.  While I had her on the phone I asked about the Velasco family, who have screwed up countless times. Obviously the increasing fines have meant nothing to them since it hasn't seemed to impel them to be more responsible.  Bottom line is that (taking my suggestion in the very unhappy letter I wrote to the irrigation folks?) WMID is no longer allowing them to take advantage of automatic sign-up (like we do, and it's of course convenient) but, even better, IF they screw up one more time  (you'd think 3 strikes and 'you're out'...) they will not be allowed to take irrigation again.

I called Joy to let her know our schedule should land in my e-mail "sometime this evening", and discovered that they didn't get the open house flyer yesterday.  Naturally she was stunned by the price, and is going to join me to go view it this afternoon.  Should be fun!

Open House info

Tom made a trip down to Bookman's this morning to spend his birthday gift certificate.  He said he had to wait in line behind "20 or 30" people...

When he got up to the front and handed over his GC, he was informed that "there was no charge".  It turns out that each month two random people are selected by the computer to receive their purchases for free - and today he was one of those lucky people!

Had a lengthy chat with Marilyn, and let her know I'm "probably" not flying to Maryland in October.  Though she had originally hoped to join me there, she's come to the same conclusion.

I mentioned my thoughts about driving to see her in October - and her thought was that I should 'wait until grapefruit season' so I could bring her a carful.  In return, she'd send me home with several small dog beds she had sitting around.  She'd gotten them for Frannie's puppies, and of course they're much too small for Frannie or Stubby to use.

So October's Plan B is postponed.  I admit that I'm disappointed I won't make it to Houston the end of October for the big quilt show - but even if that show does take place (and nothing is a given these days, depending on what Covid does) I'd 'rather not' spend time indoors among a large, crowded gathering of people, "some" of whom may not be vaccinated.

Lily is in Baltimore this weekend for a friend's wedding, and while shopping at a second-hand home goods store "found one of Bana's needlework." She immediately recognized it "as the same pattern" as one of Mom's from Mink Hollow, but there on the back were Mom's initials, HZL, in her hand-writing.  

Lily sent me a picture of her in line to buy it (of course she could have had it for free...) 

along with the caption "I think I was meant to find this." 

Here she is with it, at Second Chance.

Before I could post this, Sue sent an e-mail that was supposed to have the irrigation schedule attached.  But it didn't, and I let her know.  When her next e-mail still didn't have the attachment I called her again.  While she was trying to figure out the problem, I asked her where we landed on the schedule, and our time turned out to be only 1.5 hours instead of 2.5 hours, so she checked.  When the computer hadn't let her put in that many hours, she switched over to 150 minutes - so guess what the computer had done?

At least we discovered the problem while she still had time to adjust the schedule and send out an updated one, where we're scheduled for our usual two hours.  Sue is going to have the computer guru help her so that (at some point) people will be able to sign up for more than two hours.

Then I was off to see what a $1,200,000 house in our neighborhood looks like.

It IS a very nice house, but I won't be putting in a bid; there is too long a hike from the master bedroom to the toilet in the master bath. <g>

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