Monday, February 15, 2021

Before noon yesterday I got four more string blocks sewn, so I rewarded myself in the afternoon by reading out by the pool.  Started another library book which has definitely grabbed my attention - and by bedtime last night was at least 1/3 of the way through it.  Sunday turned out to be a much nicer day than Saturday, and I ended up removing the sweater I'd put on over my t-shirt.  Of course we'll pay for it come summer <g> but at the moment we will enjoy it and take full advantage!

The weather remains frigid and nasty elsewhere. This popped up from my sister Marilyn, in the Hill Country of Texas, along with a very crowed map of all the places without power: 

This is our current situation. The ice is at least 1/2” thick, trees down everywhere.

UPDATE: Cleared three trees today so roads are passable for now.

I was "walking" a little better yesterday, though there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason; I've learned that when that happens it doesn't "stick around" on following days so I no longer get too excited about the 'progress'.  However I took advantage of it yesterday and watered the plants on the front porch, some of which have been looking considerably bedraggled these past two months.  The aloe plants have turned a pale, pale color, but at least they haven't died - so I'm pretty sure I can nurse them back to health with more regular watering.  

Not sure what the second way is - maybe they've just missed my company?     

While Tom and I were watching the evening news, full of clips of the continuing horrible weather "everywhere" (and more tragic accidents on the roadways) he noticed a hawk in the backyard on the ground before it flew up into the cottonwood! They live in our neighborhood (one nesting pair just across the street) and we often seen them in our trees.  My first thought, of course, was Brownie, but luckily he was curled up in his bed under my quilting table, happily unaware of the threat, so no idea what the hawk had been after.

Later this morning is a routine visit to the oncologist.  
Aside from that I see sewing and reading on the agenda.

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