Tuesday, June 9, 2020

While it was nice and 'cool' out this morning I scooped the leaves that had ended up in the pool during yesterday's wind, and then went to gather the latest crop of downed grapefruit before this afternoon's irrigation.  Look what I found under the tree:

Glad I found it before Brownie decided it was something to snack on!

Last evening's hedge trimmings are now stuffed into the can.  The front porch has been swept clear of all the stuff that drifted in during yesterday's wind, and after that the porch plants got a nice drink.  Next I attacked some of the very tall (and thick) grass circling the newest replacement oleander, which is still a baby and was totally hidden before I sawed away.  At least now the sun can get to it  - but the sun also chased me away, so instead of finishing that chore I trimmed back a lot of the leggy stalks on the various cape honeysuckle plants around the yard's perimeter.  There's always PLENTY to do in The Park!

Which reminds me.  When I spoke with Ann and mentioned that I had been enjoying all the pictures of Bailey (her 3-year-old great-granddaughter) in her backyard that Mom Perri has been posting on FB, Ann "corrected" me.  

According to Bailey <g> it is not "the backyard"... it is Bailey's Park.

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