Friday, June 5, 2020

Only heard part of a segment of NPR's Science Friday (about butterfly wings) on the radio while running my errand today - but what I did catch was fascinating.  

Scientists are learning that butterfly wings are more than just a pretty adornment. Once thought to be made up of non-living cells, new research suggests that portions of a butterfly wing are actually alive— and serve a very useful purpose.   Nano-structures within the wing help regulate the wing’s temperature, an important function that keeps the thin membrane from overheating in the sun. They also discovered a “wing heart” that beats a few dozen times per minute to facilitate the directional flow of insect blood or hemolymph. 

Here's the whole thing:

Tom made it to his camping spot in Oregon - but as soon as he got there the sky opened.  Unfortunately it's also supposed to rain there again tomorrow - and the temp could get down to freezing tonight!  Hard to imagine...

Like most people I was appalled by today's video of Buffalo police shoving a  75-year-old protester, who hit his head when he fell and lay unmoving on the ground with blood coming from his ear - and the police just walked on by.  (The one officer who did attempt to help was pulled away.) 

Anyone surprised by yet more incredibly clueless comments from tRump today?  While huge crowds of people everywhere are marching in protest of police brutality, he calls for police to crack down, and then says George Floyd "would be proud."

On the plus side, this (finally!!!) from the Commissioner of the NFL:
In a major reversal, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell admitted on Friday that the organization was wrong for not allowing NFL players to peacefully protest police brutality against Black people during the national anthem. “We, the NFL, condemn racism and the systematic oppression of Black people,” Goodell said in a filmed statement posted to Twitter. “We, the NFL, admit we were wrong for not listening to NFL players earlier and encourage all to speak out and peacefully protest,” he added. “We, the NFL, believe Black lives matter.”

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