Tuesday, November 27, 2018

+On the way to the gym this morning I caught part of an NPR segment about Fake News.   The were talking about the difference between "Iffy sites" (that don't seem to care about the truth), as opposed to those that are simply biased.

I got a surprise on the leg extension machine today.  In the beginning it had been quite a toughie, burning my quads on the tops of my thighs.  Happily it has gotten a lot easier over time..  But today I had new "fun"- intense burning in a new spot, the inside of my legs just above the knees.  Likely that is the result of (finally) pedaling while standing (admittedly for short periods) on the spin bike at Boot Camp on Sunday.

Then I got quite the shock at the library, when it turned out
my account was frozen because of a $32.50 fine! 

Since I had put Michelle Obama's book on hold way back when, I was the first one to get the brand new book when it was released.  I cherish books, and thus never lay them on their 'stomach' (that hurts the binding), always use a bookmark (NEVER dog ear pages), basically treating all books with respect. So I was bummed when I bumped my coffee one morning and splashed a little on one page of the pristine book.  Turns out that 'water damage' ruined the book (they worry about mold) and now I am the proud owner of my own copy.  So if anyone wants to borrow it...

Patti called from Kentucky today (where it was snowing) to chat and give me an update.  The holidays are traditionally not a time when most people choose to put their houses on the market, so pickings there are quite slim.  She said all the houses they've looked at have been old, and small.  As a result they are going to rent an apartment for a bit and try again in the spring.  She and Gary are flying home on Sunday to do some final packing, so she is going to pop over on Monday for a visit.

Alex did a great job
of putting up some of the green privacy mesh on the gate.  

I'll be more comfortable getting in/out of the hot tub 
without worrying about people walking/riding by getting a peek.

My recliner got picked up for its repair this afternoon.  The big question is: will we get it back before we all head out next week, or will Murphy's Law kick in and it won't be ready until the next day...

Managed to change our automatic irrigation time from 2 hours to 90 minutes, and yes, it did turn out to be more of a production than it should have been.  Of course we won't know how that next cycle goes since we'll be gone, and zanjero Terry will be taking care of it for us.

I feel considerably better after today's visit to the chiropractor - but am still going to keep Friday's appoint.  Definitely want to be all tuned up before my trip!  

Driving there that late in the afternoon traffic was heavy, as expected (so I'd allowed extra driving time) though I was surprised when it came to an actual standstill on the 101, waiting to get onto I-10.  Then leaving his office (at Dysart & McDowell) I always take Dysart the few blocks to I-10.  But that on-ramp turned out to be closed (as I discovered just as I missed my opportunity to take McDowell to the 101), and by the time I could get someplace to make the turn and come back up to where I started, it was 20 minutes later. SO glad I don't have to play in rush hour traffic very often (though my Friday appointment is at the same crappy time.)

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