Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Alex arrived home last evening, and we caught up some on his latest adventures.  Originally I thought (because he thought!) he'd be remaining home through December - but (as it usually does) his schedule has changed.  He has to head back to work on Monday for a few days, and is also going to be gone working for a couple of weeks in December.  But IF I remember correctly (not always the case....) the December events involve snowboarding.  So could be worse!

It's time for our quarterly bulk trash pickup (our neighborhood is scheduled for Monday), and this time we had a rather substantial pile stashed in that somewhat hidden corner behind the gate.   Naturally instead of waiting for Alex to help him today, yesterday Tom decided to start hauling it out to the street.  And once he starts something, he feels like he "has to" finish, no matter what his body is saying to him.  So it wasn't surprising when he announced yesterday that he "may have overdone it".

I never did make it to the grocery store yesterday, so heading to Winco is on my agenda as soon as I finish my coffee.  The store shouldn't be mobbed this early in the morning, right? (Just like "nobody flies to Denver on a Sunday.")  Then I can get the eggs hard-boiled today so I can devil them tomorrow.  Did remember to take the turkey out of the freezer in the shop on Sunday so it could start getting ready.  Hopefully when I go to collect it from that frig on Thursday morning it will have cooperated and be fully thawed.... unlike some years!

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