Monday, November 26, 2018

At 5:00 I called about jury duty, and listened to the somewhat lengthy recording about parking, dress code, etc. before they started listing the groups required to appear by 9:00 tomorrow.  My group was not one of those listed.  

Then they started naming the groups that need to call tomorrow morning at 10:15 to see if they will be required to appear at 12:30.  As they went through that list of groups (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007) I fully expected to hear my group, 2010, included.  But they stopped at 2007, and then added that "all the other groups had fulfilled their duty" and would not be called again in the next 18 months.  If it wasn't such an extra-busy week (along with trying to get ready to head to Maryland early next week) I really wouldn't mind being called.  But getting a pass this time is a relief.

I'm especially happy 
that now I can keep my chiropractor appointment tomorrow afternoon.

Finished one of my holiday gifts this afternoon, and made more progress on the remaining one.  
The end is in sight!

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