Yesterday's news about the massacre in Las Vegas is so difficult to process. Gun violence has become so commonplace in our country that society almost seems to 'take it for granted'. I lost most of my hope for gun control after Sandy Hook in Newtown; after all, if the murder of first graders in their classroom didn't force a serious discussion (and ultimate change) of our ridiculously lax gun laws, it's impossible to imagine what will.

Alex spends a fair amount of time at concerts in Vegas (though he is currently in Chicago) so I was not surprised when Patti contacted me yesterday morning to make sure he was safe.
I feel better after my adjustment at the chiropractor yesterday; he fixed my stiff neck that started on Saturday. Also picked up info for Marcie with the hope that he can help her also. I'm optimistic since he has an unblemished record of helping all friends I've 'dragged' to see him!
I dropped off some teddy bear backing fabric for her ABC applique; the adorable blocks came together beautifully, and once her piano key border goes on it'll be ready for quilting. Oh, Irene.... need another project to quilt?
Latina was overjoyed to see me, so when we decided to move the party back over here (to look at the kitchen and get some ideas from Marcie and Mike) I transported her in my car. She was a little uneasy, but definitely nothing like the first time I "dognapped" her, the day they were moving in. And since her 'parents' arrived to 'rescue' her shortly after our arrival, maybe next time she'll be totally relaxed?

I now have Cesar's info; he is the tile-setter who did both their previous house and this new one (which looks wonderful) so that's another phone call for today. (The tile guy I called yesterday morning about coming out for an estimate has not yet returned my call.) And it sounds like Cesar will be much more affordable. Which is good because we may take one of Marcie & Mike's suggestions, which involves more tile (and of course additional labor.)
Tom has moved some of his lapidary equipment out of the living room and back into the shop (it is officially Fall.... though there's the distinct possibility of triple digits again shortly) but the heaviest piece is still in residence. He thought Ben could help him carry it out there, but when he went over yesterday (to deliver some of the latest fish catch he brought home with him) he discovered that they're out of town; Estera had mentioned it to me but I'd forgotten about it. Since Mike had made his own trip to his chiropractor yesterday (and gets another injection tomorrow) he wasn't able to help.
I've got a bunch of extra stuff going on this week (including Book Club at Cheri's Wednesday night, a movie with Mary on Thursday, a quilt "thing" with Daisy Mountain on Friday afternoon) but at some point Tom and I need to make another trip to the tile warehouse so we can start making some decisions. A current plan is to have the tile work done after the cabinets go in the beginning of November (only a month away!) and while we're waiting on the counter tops to be fabricated. I'd also like to replace the window over the kitchen sink - and think that should be done before rather than after?
But first, off to the gym shortly.
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