Saturday, February 5, 2022

 Alex should have an easier time navigating between Tom's shop and the newly-trimmed cape honeysuckle hedge - and without collecting greenery inside his truck window.

The ficus tree outside his front door is also more shapely now.

LOVED watching the first segment of Ice Dancing; this one was my favorite:

In ice dance, couples compete with a short program at the beginning of the competition called a “rhythm dance.” They then perform a second program called a free dance. In the free dance, couples can perform almost any genre and dance pattern that they choose, but the rhythm dance is slightly more restrictive.

Got the final two borders on Tom's quilt yesterday, so now it's ready for quilting!  (Though I do still need to piece together the backing before I can hand it over to Monica.)

Teri came over yesterday afternoon, and we collaborated on the baby quilt.  I showed her a number of mine which would work, and then we got to work shopping for fabrics.  It should NOT have been that hard (so many of the ones we wanted were no longer available) and fabric selection took a long time.  

Still I'm excited about what we finally decided on, 
and am looking forward to the arrival of the fabrics in the mail!

Watched the opening ceremonies last night, and was still wide awake after midnight!

So at 12:30 I took something to fall asleep - and was surprised that I woke around 5:00.  
At least there's nothing pressing on today's schedule ~

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