It was another good workout at the gym yesterday. I admit I was a little uneasy when Davon was nowhere in sight as I was warming up; usually he's working with another client during the half hour preceding mine. Had he quit also?!
I warmed up, but when 10:30 came and went, I checked at the front desk. Apparently he was there (good news!) but just had lost track of time playing basketball.
Brownie, as expected, had been thrilled to "go" yesterday - until we ended up at the vet for his dental appointment. However the paperwork that came home with him (Alex picked him up because I wasn't sure what time Teri was coming by) included this under Additional Notes: Brownie was an excellent patient and was very sweet!
The good news is that his teeth are now nice and clean. Happily no teeth needed to be pulled this time, though there are two that will "probably" need to come out next time. The vet did call to recommend packing Brownie's gums with doxycyline gel "for the treatment and control of periodontal disease" , which I okayed, and he will be on oral antibiotics 2x/day for the next five days due to the very deep cleaning. The "bad" news (though not unexpected...) is that it will be another hefty VISA bill this month.
As expected Brownie was still laid back all afternoon, no doubt experiencing after-effects of the anesthetic, though I was a bit surprised that after skipping breakfast he wasn't interested in food when he got home. He did sniff at it a couple of times, but apparently his mouth soreness overrode his hunger?
At least he did eat when we sat down to dinner last evening, and seems back to normal this morning. He will be on soft food only for the next week, which (I'm pretty sure!) will not make him at all unhappy.
In the late afternoon Teri dropped off the skiing and snowflake fabrics, at which time she approved of the white-on-white snowmen. Here are the four fabrics:
Naturally I'm excited to get started on the baby quilt after the retreat - but with groceries in the car she couldn't stay to browse possible patterns. (We wanted to wait to make that decision until we got all the fabrics we'd ordered to aid us in deciding what will work best.)
That planning session is scheduled in another week or so, when (with a little luck!) I'll have narrowed down the myriad of choices for her.
I'm guessing it will include some pinwheel blocks since she seemed to really like the ones on the placemat I showed her.
Maybe a pattern similar to this one I made for charity last year
using Barb's donated adorable kitty fabric?
A cold front is moving in, and it has been raining here this morning. While our weather won't be nearly as bad as what much of the country is experiencing...
it is certainly unfortunate for those retreat ladies flying in from nippy northern climes.

I know that they were expecting to get a break from their crappy weather, escaping the grip of winter as they revel in our usual 'winter' weather.
In previous years they have been able to dress in t-shirts (and some in shorts),
even taking an afternoon break out by the pool for a bit.
Of course weather is relative, so while we Arizonans will be bundled up <g>, there might be some who consider highs in the 50s or 60s 'balmy'!
Melodie is stopping by mid-morning with my label for the book quilt, which reminds me that I still need to make the sleeve for the quilt. (note to self: DO IT!)
Since I'm taking the quilt with me to the retreat as one of my three Show & Tells, I could kill two birds with one stone if I hand-sew both on at the retreat while I sit and visit with the ladies.
Not sure of the March deadline to drop off the quilt for the show, but at least I don't have to go far; TOQS is one of the drop-off locations this year!