Saturday, September 11, 2021

Yesterday I watched a number of 9/11 tributes on TV.  I found last evening's Legacy, which interviewed young adults, quite moving.  Some had been children who lost their beloved fathers that day, others who weren't yet born when their fathers were killed. Some were young teens attending a school by the World Trade Center and had witnessed people falling/jumping from the building. One was a young woman, 8 or 9 at the time, whose best friend had been heading off on an exciting family vacation on one of the doomed planes.  

Too bad the country isn't experiencing some of that unity these days...

So today, on the 20th (!) anniversary of that devastating day, I thought I'd cheer myself up by doing some yardwork. And yes, I was extremely careful, because I certainly remember what happened in December when I tried to cheer myself up with yardwork...!  

I got quite a bit done in a couple of hours (taking a break to cool off in the pool and also help Creepy) so things look considerably better around the pool and in the jungle.  

However it's the same old story... LOTS more to do!

Now that I've had a lovely shower and breakfast I'll soon be  heading over to Wanda's to return her brownie tublet - and as a lovely surprise it turns out she has some cookies to send back with me.  Obviously I'm not starting my diet yet...

Also want to show her the three charity quilts before I hand them in to Foothills.

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