Sprinkling before dinner, with a side of rainbow.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021
It's still dark at 4:30 this time of year, so I had time to catch up on the computer before it got light enough for pool duty around 6:00. I had just gotten Creepy running when I made another pool rescue.
Now it's time to put borders on a couple of the charity quilts ~
though nothing too fancy.
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Because we cut back on some of BFR exercises at PT yesterday, my foot did not regress throughout the day, and also seems fine today.
I did, however, start a headache last night, which kept me up during the night despite Tylenol and two zolpidem. So I was really dragging this morning, so much so that (for only the second time) I cancelled the gym with Jim.
Sunday, September 26, 2021
Though I've been sleeping reasonably well lately, yesterday (and today) I woke really early. Sure do miss getting a good night's sleep!
Friday, September 24, 2021
I'm extremely happy to report that my foot, which was really hurting last evening while simply sitting on the couch watching TV, was feeling a whole lot better this morning. That meant I was able to take care of my pre-cleaning chores (sweeping all three porches coming into the house, washing all the floor mats inside the doors, etc.) with minimal difficulty.
Yesterday was the worst (of the three so far) post-BFR experiences, likely because each time we've added an additional exercise to the BFR regimen. If the pain only lasts 12 hours I can deal with it - though don't expect me to grin!
So while I did legs at the gym today as scheduled, we skipped a couple of the exercises that could aggravate my foot.
On the way home I swung by the library (to drop off and pick up) and then got my flu shot at Walgreen's. While waiting my turn I got to play with 11 1/2 month old Miles, who was all smiles.
They said I don't need to wait to get my Pfizer covid booster - but even though I had no side-effects from my second dose (like some folks did) I'm going to wait for a week (or two) anyway.
Thursday, September 23, 2021
My back felt reasonably okay today, so it would seem that being proactive with the heating pad after weeding yesterday did the trick.
While I waited for the plumber this morning (he was right on time, at 8:00) I took care of some miscellaneous things around the house. I'm definitely getting caught up on things, which feels good, though paying the house taxes hurt!
After hearing the cost to repair/replace the tank-works in the toilets, Tom has decided he will do that. (I did ask for a time frame on that....) At least the tub/shower is draining a whole lot better now, and assume Alex's sink is also.
At PT I continue to do many of the exercises using BFR, and that remains difficult. After this morning's workout my foot is complaining this afternoon, but hopefully (!) it will be happier tomorrow.
I was back at Carol's this afternoon, helping her get more boxes packed. And I came home with a few more goodies, including a brownie pan that makes all edge pieces. (Who knew that was a thing?)
I like all brownies, from anywhere in the pan <g> but Tom got excited when he saw it. Too bad I don't have any brownie mix on hand - and he just went to the store while I was gone.
On the way home from Carol's I swung by Target and tried to make flu shot appts; usually get mine at their pharmacy because the 'prize' for doing it there is a $5 gift card. Unfortunately appointments must be made on line, and since I didn't have luck when I tried to do that the other day I may just end up going somewhere else.
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
This morning, post-irrigation, was spent in the front yard pulling weeds. I worked at it until 10:30, longer than I should have once my back started talking to me.
But the lantana, even the larger ones, were pulling out with their roots intact so easily I just 'had' to keep going and pull 'just a few more'.
The resulting pile, waiting to go into the trash can, was considerable...
nice 'proof' of all my hard work!
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
It's been "cool" first thing in the mornings (that's a relative term, even though it's officially Fall now) so I've been taking advantage of that to do yardwork. Yesterday I hand trimmed more, and also made another pool rescue. At first glance I thought it was a hummingbird struggling in the water, but it turned out to be a rather large moth.
Irrigation is this afternoon,
so naturally I see a lot of weeding over the next several days.
At PT yesterday we added BFR to more of my exercises. While it does make them more difficult to do, both Lori and I are hoping it will help nudge me over my current plateau.
Afterward I rewarded myself with a wrap from Panini. While mucking the other day I'd found my gift card from Alex, which turned out to have enough left on it to pay for yesterday's lunch and still leave some on the card for next time.
Around 1:00 I headed over to Carol's for more organizing/packing. While her sewing room looks emptier than it did when I was helping out on Wednesday, there's still quite a lot of stuff in there. Not sure how she's going to fit it all into the new place!
I brought over another charity that top I whipped up from some of the goodies I acquired on Wednesday, and she heartily approved. It still needs a border, and the fabric I'm auditioning also came from her.
Yesterday I snagged a little more fabric for myself, but most of what ended up in my car yesterday is slated for the sale table at Busy Bees, with any leftovers trying their luck at Foothills. But I did become the grateful recipient of a large bag of pretty tissue paper, so that tub in the garage (which 'somehow' had become totally empty) is now full again just in time for the gift giving season that's approaching.
My miscellaneous organizing and mucking has continued in dribs and drabs, and also yesterday I crossed off another "to do" chore when I arranged for a plumber (he'll be coming early Thursday) to address the various issues that have accumulated in the bathrooms and laundry room. Of course it'll be pricey (what isn't these days?) but at least there will only be one service call charge!
Sunday, September 19, 2021
I had a bit of difficulty 'sparking' before coffee this morning.