Tuesday, September 26, 2017

I had a chunk of time before I had to leave for the gym so I thought I might as well get started with the Evidence class from last night.  Andy began with a disclaimer to the effect that the next rule we are going to cover, over several classes, is probably the most difficult - and not just for law students, but also for attorneys and judges!  It seems that Rule 404, which deals with Propensity, is most frequently cited in appellate cases.

Jim continues to challenge me at the gym - but since I can definitely see/feel results it's all worth it.  He has some clients that cancel often, and then are discouraged because they are not seeing results.  At least I show up consistently!

Afterward I popped over to Walmart.  Who knew finding potting soil would turn out to be so difficult?  Their Garden Center had ONE "choice", a small bag - primarily because the area has been turned into a Christmas Department.... in September! 

The ONLY places that should be displaying holiday merchandise now are fabric stores and craft stores, for obvious reasons.

I made one last stop, at the 99 Cent Store, to pick up some apples and lettuce for Pokey.  In line behind me was Estera (with Julianna and Tommy) so we got to chat for a bit.

Now it's time to get back to class!

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