Friday, August 30, 2019

We made it home yesterday by the early afternoon (it helped that I gained an hour once I crossed into Arizona) after an uneventful trip.  Brownie was a great traveler, though each time we got back into the car he looked at me as if to say, "Aren't we there yet?"  Happily he had taken care of the most important business before we left.  The motel had a very nice grassy "bathroom" for pets, and even provided poop bags. 

However when I noticed this on the lid, I did wonder 
about the original purpose of the poop receptacle...

One of the places we stopped for Brownie to water some bushes 
was at Elephant Rocks.

He definitely perked up when we pulled into the driveway, and seemed very happy to (finally!) be home.  He certainly made use of his dog door, going in and out, in and out - and even found something to bark at in the backyard.  Pretty sure, however, that it wasn't a deer! <g> 

There was a monsoon storm (Wednesday?) that dumped an inch of rain in nearby Moon Valley.  Don't think we got nearly that much - but the winds sure shredded the protective tarp over the hot tub. 

I made a few phone calls, and unloaded the car into the kitchen, before just vegging out for the rest of the day.  By the time Tom called at 7:30 I was fighting to stay awake.  Made it until 9:00 (which of course is 10:00 in Colorado) and then woke up at 4:00 this morning.  


Do need to go to the grocery store today, and make some appointments, and of course hope to get most of the pile of stuff put away today.  The stack of mail waiting for my attention is daunting.  Yesterday I skimmed through it, and opened a personal letter, which was a "Save the Date" from Elena.   I'll need to make a pass through the rest of the pile today and see what needs to be dealt with first. 

I pulled out the modern wedding ring quilt pattern, and was disappointed that it won't work for me to use the 4 jelly rolls of "my" colors.  But I'm pretty sure <g> that I have considerable yardage in my stash that will work.

On the last part of my drive yesterday, one of the arrow indicators on my dashboard (for charging up the battery?) was going crazy, fluctuating wildly. Sometimes it "floated" at the top, other times at the bottom.  Maybe something just came loose from all the driving on the washboard dirt road?  I did back in to the garage "just in case" I need a jump to get going.  In theory I can drive Alex's van if my car won't start - but

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