I had a delightful day today with Colleen and Yolanda. We talked the whole drive up to Prescott, laughing a whole bunch over some of our stories. Here's a shot of us after the show (unsuccessfully 'hiding' our purchases behind the sign.)
I got lots of comments on my moose tee today -
and that was even before they saw the back, or my cute moose earrings.
The quilt show was wonderful! This year it was held in an empty store (Old Navy?) in a large shopping center, and there were lots of spectacular quilts on display. Even though I only took shots of the ones I liked, there are 178 photos in that folder! It'll take me some time to resize/rotate/crop them all, so I'm not planning to post them tonight. Truth be told most likely it won't happen until after I get back from Wanda's birthday trip. But I promise the pix will be well worth the wait!
At least today I remembered to take a strip of my lizard fabric with me, hoping to find something that will work to piece a back. And I did! I also made several other purchases, though I didn't buy the mini (LIGHTWEIGHT!) Janome on sale there for only $79. Will I be sorry? Only time will tell!

By the time we were done at the show it was almost 2:00 and we were hungry for lunch. Someone at the show had recommended Zeke's, which was at the end of the shopping center "but too far to walk". So we drove over, only to find <sigh> that they closed from 2:00-3:00; the kitchen had just shut down. Our next thought was Panera Bread - which we thought was somewhere in that shopping center - but another cruise through the lot proved that not to be the case. To make a long story short (too late?) we finally ended up at Aubrie's. Only took us 20 minutes looking for a place to eat... and we'd never even gotten out of the parking lot. (If you saw it in a movie you wouldn't believe it - but we sure got a laugh out of it.) Lunch was yummy; I had French onion soup, a salad - and a chocolate waterfall cake, layered around fresh strawberries, for dessert.

On our way home we stopped at a quilt store in Prescott Valley (WHY? because a panel I'd seen in a quilt in one of the vendors' booths was sold out, but available at their store), and I ended up also buying some companion fabric, and a spectacular pattern of a Mimbres-style hummingbird.
Now if I could just find time to sew....
Came home to an e-mail from Steve Cohen, who I'd spoken to about Dad's sunken gravestone. Except that it wasn't the Steve Cohen I'd spoken to. Something else to try to deal with when I get back from my next trip.