Thursday, August 25, 2022

Yesterday afternoon the RING app on my phone alerted me to Tom and Alex working in the front yard; Tom was mowing the (thick, lush, and surprisingly - for this time of year - bright green) dichondra, Alex was raking, and Brownie (of course) was supervising.  

Afterward he relaxed and surveyed his acres:

I got to talk/whistle to him through the app's microphone, and it definitely got his attention.  His ears immediately jumped to attention, 'saying', "I hear you, Mom - but where ARE you?  And more importantly, when are you coming home?"

Richard is baching it while Elinor is in Santa Fe for the week of operas, and he joined us for dinner last night.    That afternoon he'd had the last (of some very extensive) dental work completed, and had requested corn-on-the cob since he hasn't been able to enjoy that for a LONG time.  

The sweet CoC went great with the brisket and cole slaw Terry had whipped up - and her peach pie (like all of her home-made desserts) was out of this world!

I'd forgotten that my phone was resting on my lap (I was sitting in my low red chair, visiting with Mark and Richard while Terry put the finishing touches on dinner) so when I stood up it clattered to the tile floor.  Despite being protected (?) by a case, the fall chipped a tiny sliver of glass from the screen.  Luckily it's on the very edge, so at the moment it doesn't have much of an impact on my viewing - but of course it could spread.

I slept in this morning (until almost 7:00!), waking to a lovely morning.  

Soon off to soak, and then (hopefully) will have more than enough time to complete the last of the work on the trail (I'm almost there) before Hilda gets up and is ready for her breakfast.

Later this afternoon, armed with a map from Terry, I plan to head over to Lisa G's cabin for my first visit.  Now that summer is just about over she'll be heading back to Indiana.

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