The usual fun at Busy Bees yesterday day morning!
Here's Sandy with a fun project.
And a very pretty scrap quilt. I only made a table runner after this class, but do like the effect in a larger item so (drum roll, please!) I've added this to my list of Scrap Quilts To Make!
I misheard Sharon, thinking she called these cuties pup holders. I have several panels in my stash from that designer, so someday someone may get a set of pup pot holders!
Louise brought in a couple of placemats from the recent class
and so did Jan.
Monica also brought in her placemats - but they were busy "working", sitting under the refreshments we had brought for yesterday's meeting. She did, however, show the finished quilt she made from Devonna's t-shirts.
Monica's husband has been going to auctions, and this was one of his recent purchases, hand pieced and hand quilted, for only $60.
After Joyce shared this wonky scrap 9-patch she shared some sad news: she's letting her AQG membership lapse (the new fiscal year starts July 1st) and thus won't be able to attend our Busy Bee meetings any more. She was vague about the reason, but I inferred that someone in her family is having some serious health issues. (These days it seems like we hear bad news at virtually every meeting!) That's sad news - and we'll certainly miss her!
Donna belongs to a Sunbonnet Sue group, and brought in a couple of her recent quilts. This one (where some blocks are appliqued and some are machine embroidered) is from a swap; she's pointing to the block she made.
This one has a Back-to-School theme.
Melissa made this hexagon quilt for one of her grandsons. She's got it back now to try and get some nosebleed stains out of it - except she needs to wait until Fall... when we have cold water again!
I like how she appliqued the edge hexagons on this one over the border!
This beauty is still a work in progress.
Grace made this quilt for 12-year-old Emily. She'd brought the blocks to Emily's birthday party where she had all the attendees sign one. Turned out cute!
Can't remember who's hiding behind this cute snowman quilt -
even though it was only yesterday!
Not sure if working with cool fabrics helps in this heat,
but it's worth a try, right?
I brought in my just-needs-the-toe-Kitchenered sock, and the ladies were properly impressed. Perri swung by yesterday afternoon after visiting her daughter (who had surgery earlier this week, and whose house is near mine) to help me finish off the toe, and this is how far I got on the second sock last night before heading to bed!
After the meeting I was headed down to the Arizona Highways office/gift shop (near Thomas and 19th Ave., just a block away from Marcela's old house) to pick up some copies of the recent 90th Anniversary issue I'd seen at Wanda's house.
During the meeting I'd mentioned that's what I was planning, and offered to pick up copies for anyone else who wanted one; lots of ladies did. When I got down there there was some stress: there were only a dozen or so copies in the gift shop, and no more printings expected - and I needed 25 copies! Of course there were a number of hardbound book-type issues... but they cost $13! Luckily there was an unopened box with a stash of pristine copies found in the back. Phew!
I expected the cost would be $5 each (price is, after all, printed on the cover) and that's what I charged the ladies. So imagine my surprise when the clerk rang me up and the total was considerably less. When I said that couldn't be right, I was told that the price there was only $3 a copy. Guess I'll be refunding some money when I deliver the magazines!
When I got home Tom was already there - he'd arrived mid-morning, and already unloaded the trailer while it was "cool".
Ken came by in the afternoon and sprayed again,
so I'm REALLY hoping we're done with scorpions in the house!
Patti texted in-between legs of their flights to say that the final leg (out of Vegas) was delayed about an hour and she'd call me when they landed in Phoenix. Which she did (around 6:00), at which point I headed down to the airport. But when I got arrived at Sky Harbor and wanted to call her my phone was off. Strange. And when I tried to turn it back on it wouldn't... which was going to make it harder to rendezvous with them. Heading to the South Curb as pre-arranged (most airports have only ONE pick-up area, but Sky Harbor makes it that much more fun by having two, on opposite sides of the airport!)

I was so stressed about my dead phone that (for the first time ever) I missed the lane for the inside, and ended up on the outer loop at the pick-up area. There was a man waiting there for his ride, and he graciously allowed me to use his cell phone to call Tom at home so he could call Patti and tell her where I was. But before Tom found the number at home and called her I spotted Patti by the curb and waved her over.
We took the 51 home (I-10 westbound was a mess; heading down to the airport I saw that traffic trying to get onto I-10 westbound was backed up almost a mile onto I-17 at on-ramp, and then once I was on I-10 east bound I observed that that back up on I-10 went on for miles and miles! It looked like more than the usual rush hour snarl
and made more sense once I heard the traffic report on the radio; there were two accidents on I-10 westbound, though the one at 35th Ave was mostly likely the culprit.
I was afraid my cell phone had given up the ghost (it hasn't been holding a charge lately, dropping down to just a couple of bars a day or so after recharging) but eventually it seemed to finally be working again this morning. Still, I'm thinking I need a new phone - don't want it to do this again to me while I'm on vacation next month!
The Fence Doctor is here this morning, and has started working on the block wall and gate repair. With the monsoon season officially here (we don't always get rain, but almost always the high winds!) I'm hoping it's fixed soon!
I don't have anything on the calendar for today (weird to see an empty block on an otherwise jammed calendar) but no doubt <g> I'll find plenty of stuff to do.