Monday, October 13, 2014

This morning I was out back, and noticed that the large trash can (full of trimmings and raking stuff) that I had dragged out to the street yesterday had been moved to the porch at the back house - and trash pickup was this morning! So I schlepped it (even fuller and heavier) back to the street.  Later, when asked, Alex said he was merely cleaning up the kitchen at his place.  When asked why he didn't return the can back to the street for pick up, he said, "I didn't know that was today."  HOW LONG has he lived here?!  But all's well that ends well; the trash guys had not been by here yet and the can made it back to the street in time.

I hosed off the patios and putzed a little more around the yard, then showered and got ready; Patti picked me up and we went to see The Good Lie

I had gotten the closed caption 'thingie' that fits into the drink holder, but trying to jam it in so it stays put while I bend the goose neck so I can read the screen isn't easy; I must have accidentally hit one of the buttons that changes the settings because it said it was set for theater 1 although we were in theater 20 - and it wouldn't work.  Afterward, when I was returning it, I asked for instructions on what the various buttons (there are 3 of them) do.  So I got a tutorial, and when they understood that I had not had the use of it during the movie they gave me 2 free movie passes.  Nice!

The Good Lie is a moving story, and is well done, and the time flew by.  (Did I mention that we had the theater to ourselves?)  What puzzled me was the disclaimer at the end, the one that says something like "any resemblance to people or events is not intentional".  Because at the beginning of the movie, splashed across the screen, were the words Based on a True Story.

Patti gave me a haircut once we got back (I always know it's time for one when my bangs are starting to bug me, plus this way I'll be about ready for another haircut before my trip to Maryland in a month.) After she left to run some errands, so did I, over to Walgreen's to pick up a prescription.  But today I took a slightly different route, down Morrow instead of Westcott.  Because earlier today, standing in our driveway, I had noticed a new (!) building that had sprung up from nowhere!  It's on the back edge of the charter school that sits on Union Hills, and judging from its location (adjacent to the playing fields) and size it could be a gymnasium.  I'm guessing that they just framed it this weekend.

On the way home I took a chance and stopped in at Jeannie's.  Between my travels out of town and hers, we basically haven't seen each other since the beginning of the summer  She was just finishing up a custom quilt, and mine (for Terry) will go on Ruby next.  I could have it back soon, maybe even tomorrow if she gets it done before she heads out to a Kaffe Fassett (!) class.  Which would be a very nice way to finish up the day tomorrow; can't say I'm looking forward to subbing in that same 4th grade class.

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