Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Tuesday was yet another early morning when I was awake again around 4:00.  On the plus side, I got a considerable amount of fabric refolded/stashed before heading to the gym.

  Even though I was still sore from Monday's yardwork,
I managed to put in a respectable workout.

So when Marcie came over to help out again after lunch,
she was quite impressed with my progress.

In fact I'd made so much headway (the couches were virtually empty of fabric) that Latina was invited to come "help". That basically means I played penguin fetch with her, resting on my laurels on the couch, while Marcie color-sorted the mega-stack of scraps.

Marcie had tried a new product for lunch - and unfortunately it turned out not to agree with her.  She's invited me to dinner tonight, but that is obviously conditional on her feeling better today!  

Even though I woke up at my "regular" time today,
I stayed in bed and dozed off for another hour.

So for a welcome change it was actually light out when I got up this morning.  Nothing extra-curricular on today's agenda, so the big push is to refold/stash as much fabric as possible.  Would be nice to surprise Tom with a totally mucked out sewing area upon his return the end of the week.

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