Thursday, May 17, 2018

I enjoyed my time at Busy Bees yesterday - and Vicki's helpful presentation/handout for figuring out yardage needed for borders.  I did not enjoy Ada's snarky comment when I asked Vicki a question RE my confusion at one point (though virtually everyone else rolled their eyes at Ada, and later quite a number of the ladies told me to just ignore her.) 

Picked up a couple of patterns (like I need more NESTYs?)
but was not even tempted to nibble on the snack goodies.

The cleaning crew never did show up yesterday (will call Bella at some point today and see what's up) but it was just as well.  Had another cluster headache all afternoon (with weepy eye and nausea) and didn't get much done.  Even had trouble eating dinner (no real loss... turns I gained 5 pounds over vacation.)

I'm almost readjusted to our time zone.  Didn't go to bed until 9:30 last night, and slept until 5:30 again.  Tom blasted off for Oregon this morning around 7:30, and Alex (who arrived home sometime last night) popped over at 8:30 for hi/goodbye and a quick hug before heading off to Vegas for EDC.  He'll be back on Tuesday, and then have a week or so before starting the crazy summer schedule of his.  We should be able to squeeze in the dinner he's promised me at Tokyo Lobby!

I've been working in the yard this morning (happily my headache is barely noticeable today) getting a lot done while it's still cool.   Soon off to the dentist, and then the library.  

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