Friday, March 4, 2016

I walked Tilly this morning, and she was cooperative and took care of all business.  Of course that didn't stop her from asking to go out all morning, which of course because of irrigation I couldn't do.  I walked her again before I headed to the gym, and then tied her up in the shade outside of Tom's shop.  We didn't know how she'd handle that, but apparently quite well; Tom says she was a good girl (didn't bark at all) and mostly slept.  

Which is what I wanted to do, instead of going to the gym.  Not helping matters any is that last night one of the muscles in my outer thigh was 'talking' to me, and it complained loudly to me one of the machines this morning.  Possibly I tweaked it reaching up with the new pole and picking grapefruits yesterday, but luckily it's nothing major.

And look what we have to show for all of our hard work...
this should hold Marilyn for a week or so at least!

On the way home from the gym I listened to an entertaining segment on NPR.  Remember the kids' series Choose Your Own Adventure? (I had them in my classroom, and of course the kids loved them.)  Apparently a couple of writers from The Onion have come out with a similar series for adults, titled Choose Your Own Misery.  They were interviewing one of the authors, and also read some from "The Office Adventure" on the air.  What a hoot!

And speakling of citrus, I finished off the last of the OJ this morning before I headed to the gym, so now I'm going to juice up the rest of the oranges.  That's pretty mindless, which is a good thing in my sleep-deprived state - and my brain fog is only likely to get worse, so I don't plan on getting much else accomplished today.

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