Thursday, November 17, 2011

Oh What A Beautiful Morning!

What better way to start the day than with a relaxing soak in the hot tub out back?  I had gotten the dial set right on the first try... the water was a perfect temperature (102), the sun was shining, and (a few) birds were chirping.  (In the spring, it's actually too noisy out there - our little oasis must draw every bird within a hundred mile radius!)  Have to admit I did splurge this morning, and bring a steaming cup of hot "coffee" out with me.
But in my defense for falling off the sugar wagon <g> Alex woke me up last night at 10:30 with a text (my cell phone was in the kitchen on the other side of the house, but I'm a notoriously light sleeper) asking "are you awake?"  
Well, I was then.  Of course I texted back to ask what's up, but didn't hear back from him until 11:00, when I was just drifting back off to sleep... with the exciting message "never mind", no less.  Sigh.  At that point I was pretty much awake, so a little before midnight, still tossing and turning, I popped a little blue pill  to change that status.
 Better Living Through Chemistry!

And while I was writing this, I got a phone call to let me know that Sapphire's new medicine is ready.  The caller, however, wasn't here in Arizona, but in Madison, Wisconsin.  So I asked the inevitable question, "How's your weather?" 
When her answer started off with, "Not too bad," I knew what was coming next would make me laugh.  Sure enough, it's "only" in the 30's there. 


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