Sunday, November 27, 2011

Got a bunch of odds and ends done this morning, and just as I was thinking about going out to mow Patti called to see if I'd accompany her to Cabela's.  While I was there I found a pair of jeans on sale for $10 - so now I have two pairs that fit the 'new and improved' me.  Of course they'll need to be hemmed - but I'm used to that: can probably count on one hand the number of pants I've bought that didn't need that adjustment.
Of course the yard was still waiting for me when I got home, but at least it's a beautiful day to mow.  At this point I'm taking a break, but the backyard is all done, and also part of the front; and as an added bonus the horses next door are happy (they love it when I mow.)  Unfortuntely the trash can in filling up, so I may have to put off mowing the rest of the front.  Too bad.... NOT!

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