Friday, April 27, 2018

Ripping yesterday wasn't as much of a headache as I'd expected/feared...

I've gotten to a point where I'm satisfied enough with the way
things are looking and can move on to the next step today.

While I was ripping and resewing yesterday I watched the Penguin Post Office, and of course it was delightful.  May even watch it again before I return it to the library.

Set my alarm for 5:55 this morning to let the water go, though when I woke up at 4:30 <sigh> the water (scheduled for 4:00) was already here.  Of course I have no idea when it actually arrived.  (If Tami wasn't arriving tonight I might have set my alarm for 4:00 to monitor the water's arrival.)  It appears that we got a full watering, but happily not any extra - so the house foundation looks safe this cycle!

Plenty of time to work on the quilt before I need to get ready for the gym.
My quads are still talking to me, but at least they're no longer screaming. 

Still, today should be a leg day, which could be an issue!

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